Saturday, July 25, 2009

wires and air

Well, it's been a while since I've posted, but I've got Dad's house on the market at last. Whew!
Spent some time at the Ballard Locks the other day, got one good ink sketch and only a good start on an oil sketch. I think I'll mess with it in studio.
Here's my little moleskine study of the wires in the back lot, where all the fun stuff is!


Bill Sharp said...

I enjoyed looking through your work. Great stuff. I'm a sucker for power lines

Gerald de Dios said...

Power lines are so fun to draw. We walk by them so often.

Betker said...

thanks! I love the way power lines divide up space. take a look at Michael Naples' blog, Daily Paintings, in the link list over to the right here on this page, and scroll down till you find his magnificent power line paintings -- 2 I know of. (they are not together.) You will love them!

Mark Ryan said...

What is it about telephone lines and power poles that is so appealing to us? Great sketch!

Betker said...

Thanks, Mark! I often think we should start a flickr group for power lines and poles, and one for water towers. Don't know why they're so intriguing!

Julia Kay said...

Followed your link over from flickr, really enjoying seeing your work. I like this sketch alot, but lots of other pieces as well.

Betker said...

Thanks so much, Julia! You know I am your big fan as well. A treat to see your work appear!